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Guisborough Town Hall

A view of Guisborough showing the Town Hall, a three storey sandstone building in a plan neoclassical style, and the market cross, an obeslisk with a sundial and weathervein on top Guisborough Town Hall is one of our town's most iconic buildings. Situated near the market cross at the end of Westgate, it used to form the heart of the market with butchers shops operating out of its ground floor arches.

It replaced a building called the Toll Booth, and was built to be the centre of town life. Like the Toll Booth before it, it hosted the manorial court - the governing body of Guisborough before the Town Council was formed.

The ground floor and first floor were opened in 1821, and a third storey was added in 1870. 


Guisborough Heritage Centre

The Town Hall is currently in a state of severe disrepair, and needs urgent work in order to safeguard it for the town and for the future.

Guisborough Heritage Centre group plans to apply for funding to purchase Guisborough Town Hall, and transform the top two floors into a Heritage Centre for the benefit of the town.


Who is in the group?

The Guisborough Heritage Centre group is led by Guisborough Market Town Partnership, and includes representatives from:

Guisborough Museum

Gisborough Priory Project

Prior Pursglove College

The De Brus Cenotaph Project


What will the Heritage Centre do?

The Heritage Centre will provide much-needed exhibition space for historical collections in Guisborough that don’t currently have anywhere to be displayed, and for visiting exhibitions.


It will be a strong central presence for heritage in Guisborough. It will signpost to Cleveland’s heritage attractions large and small, and it will provide a space for small organisations to have direct contact with the public.

Through the renovation of the Town Hall, the heritage centre will transform the heart of Guisborough, and bring an iconic building back into public use.


Would you like to get involved?

If so, please get in touch with Hazel Meynell, on H. MEYNELL@sky.com , or leave a message for Hazel at Sunnyfield House.


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